104 research outputs found

    Improve Bounds of some Arithmetical Functions

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    نبين في هذا البحث استخدام دالة المعيار للحصول على بعض المعلومات عن القيد السفلي لدالة ريمان زيتا    بحيث  هذا الموضوع درس عميقا من قبل العالم هلبيردنك (انظر المصدر الاول). الحصول على قيد لداله ريمان زيتا في شريط الفترة الحقيقية        يكون من الصعب جدا وذلك للعديد من الاسباب التي تعود الى تصرفات تلك الداله في ذلك الشريط. الهدف من هذا البحث هو اثبات    له قيد سفلي دقيق عندما الجزء الحقيقي من   يكون جدا قريب من الخط 1.We show in this article the use of the norm function to get a new lower bound of Riemann-Zeta function  where.  This subject has been studied deeply by Hilberdink [HIL, 12]).  Getting a bound for the Riemann-Zeta function  in the critical strip is more challenging  for many reasons related to the behavior of the  Riemann-Zeta function in that strip. In the other words, the aim of this article  is to prove that  has a strict lower bound when the real part  is very closed to the line 1.  We state this in the  main theorem of this paper

    An Experimental Investigation the Optimum of Salinity and Ph of Sea-Water to Improve Oil Recovery from Sandstone Reservoir as A Secondary Recovery Process

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    Laboratory tests and field applications shows that the salinity of water flooding could lead to significant reduction of residual oil saturation. There has been a growing interest with an increasing number of low-salinity water flooding studies. However, there are few quantitative studies on seawater composition change and it impact on increasing or improving oil recovery.  This study was conducted to investigate only two parameters of the seawater (Salinity and pH) to check their impact on oil recovery, and what is the optimum amount of salinity and ph that we can use to get the maximum oil recovery.  Several core flooding experiments were conducted using sandstone by inject seawater (high, low salinity and different pH). The results of this study has been shown that the oil recovery increases as the injected water salinity down to 6500 ppm and when the pH is around 7. This increase has been found to be supported by an increase in the permeability. We also noticed that the impact of ph on oil recovery is low when the pH is less than 7

    Building a Statistical Model to Detect Foreground Objects and using it in Video Steganography

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    أصبح إخفاء المعلومات بالفيديو خيارًا شائعًا لحماية البيانات السرية من محاولات القرصنة والهجمات الشائعة على الإنترنت. ومع ذلك ، عند استخدام إطار (إطارات) الفيديو بالكامل لتضمين بيانات سرية قد تؤدي إلى تشويه بصري. هذا العمل هو محاولة لإخفاء صورة سرية حساسة داخل الأجسام المتحركة في مقطع فيديو بناءً على فصل الكائن عن خلفية الإطار واختيارها وترتيبها حسب حجم الكائن لتضمين الصورة السرية. يتم استخدام تقنية XOR مع البتات العكسية بين بتات الصورة السرية وبتات الكائن المتحرك المكتشفة للتضمين. توفر الطريقة المقترحة مزيدًا من الأمان وعدم الإدراك حيث يتم استخدام الكائنات المتحركة للتضمين ، لذلك من الصعب ملاحظة التغييرات في الكائنات المتحركة بدلاً من استخدام منطقة الخلفية للتضمين في الفيديو. أظهرت النتائج التجريبية جودة بصرية أفضل لفيديو stego مع قيم PSNR تتجاوز 58 ديسيبل ، وهذا يشير إلى أن الطريقة المقترحة تعمل دون التسبب في تشويه كبير في الفيديو الأصلي والرسالة السرية المرسلة.Video steganography has become a popular option for protecting secret data from hacking attempts and common attacks on the internet. However, when the whole video frame(s) are used to embed secret data, this may lead to visual distortion. This work is an attempt to hide sensitive secret image inside the moving objects in a video based on separating the object from the background of the frame, selecting and arranging them according to object's size for embedding secret image. The XOR technique is used with reverse bits between the secret image bits and the detected moving object bits for embedding. The proposed method provides more security and imperceptibility as the moving objects are used for embedding, so it is difficult to notice the changes in the moving objects instead of using background area for embedding in the video. The experimental results showed the better visual quality of the stego video with PSNR values exceeding 58 dB, this indicates that the proposed method works without causing much distortion in the original video and transmitted secret message

    Video Steganography Technique Based on Enhanced Moving Objects Detection Method

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    مقدمة: أصبح إخفاء المعلومات عن طريق الفيديو خيارًا شائعًا لحماية البيانات السرية من محاولات القرصنة والهجمات الشائعة على الإنترنت. ومع ذلك ، عند استخدام إطار (إطارات) الفيديو بالكامل لتضمين بيانات سرية ، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى تشويه بصري. طرق العمل: هذا العمل هو محاولة لإخفاء صورة سرية حساسة داخل الأجسام المتحركة في مقطع فيديو بناءً على فصل الكائن عن خلفية الإطار واختيارها وترتيبها حسب حجم الكائن لتضمين الصورة السرية. يتم استخدام تقنية XOR مع البتات العكسية بين بتات الصورة السرية وبتات الكائن المتحرك المكتشفة للتضمين. توفر الطريقة المقترحة مزيدًا من الأمان وعدم الإدراك حيث يتم استخدام الكائنات المتحركة للتضمين ، لذلك من الصعب ملاحظة التغييرات في الكائنات المتحركة بدلاً من استخدام منطقة الخلفية للتضمين في الفيديو. تم إجراء مزيد من التطوير للطريقة المقترحة في مجال إخفاء المعلومات بالفيديو من خلال تطبيق النموذج المكاني مع النموذج الإحصائي. تم أيضًا تطبيق أنماط LSB الإضافية لتقييم قدرة النهج المقترح في اكتشاف الأجسام المتحركة. بالإضافة إلى تقييم متانة الطريقة المقترحة ضد الهجمات المختلفة مثل ضوضاء الملح والفلفل والتصفية المتوسطة. الاستنتاجات: أظهرت النتائج التجريبية جودة بصرية أفضل لفيديو stego مع قيم PSNR تتجاوز 70 ديسيبل ، وهذا يشير إلى أن الطريقة المقترحة تعمل دون إحداث تشويه كبير في الفيديو الأصلي والرسالة السرية المرسلة.Video steganography has become a popular option for protecting secret data from hacking attempts and common attacks on the internet. However, when the whole video frame(s) are used to embed secret data, this may lead to visual distortion. Materials and Methods: This work is an attempt to hide sensitive secret image inside the moving objects in a video based on separating the object from the background of the frame, selecting and arranging them according to object's size for embedding secret image. The proposed approach reverses the secret image bits and uses XOR technique between the reversed bits and the detected moving object bits for embedding. The proposed approach provides more security and imperceptibility as the moving objects are used for embedding, so it is difficult to notice the changes in the moving objects instead of using background area for embedding in the video. Further development to the proposed approach in the area of video steganography has been done by applying spatial model in combination with statistical model. Additional LSB styles have been also applied to evaluate the ability of the proposed approach in detecting moving objects. In addition to evaluating the robustness of the proposed approach against different attacks such as salt and pepper noise and median filtering. Results: The experimental results showed the better visual quality of the stego video with PSNR values exceeding 70 dB, this indicates that the proposed method works without causing much distortion in the original video and transmitted secret message. Conclusion: The experimental proof of the proposed approach can successfully detect and embed secret image. Also, it provides more security and imperceptibility as the data was hidden in the moving objects and the updates in the moving objects are difficult to notice rather than the static region in a vide

    Spam image email filtering using K-NN and SVM

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    The developing utilization of web has advanced a simple and quick method for e-correspondence. The outstanding case for this is e-mail. Presently days sending and accepting email as a method for correspondence is prominently utilized. Be that as it may, at that point there stand up an issue in particular, Spam mails. Spam sends are the messages send by some obscure sender just to hamper the improvement of Internet e.g. Advertisement and many more.  Spammers introduced the new technique of embedding the spam mails in the attached image in the mail. In this paper, we proposed a method based on combination of SVM and KNN. SVM tend to set aside a long opportunity to prepare with an expansive information set. On the off chance that "excess" examples are recognized and erased in pre-handling, the preparation time could be diminished fundamentally. We propose a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) based example determination strategy. The strategy tries to select the examples that are close to the choice limit and that are effectively named. The fundamental thought is to discover close neighbors to a question test and prepare a nearby SVM that jelly the separation work on the gathering of neighbors. Our experimental studies based on a public available dataset (Dredze) show that results are improved to approximately 98%

    Comparison of Different Gases Injection Techniques for Better Oil Productivity

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    There are many known enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods and every method has its criteria to use it. Some of those methods are gas injection such as CO2 injection, N2 and hydrocarbon gas injection. Where the CO2 has been the largest contributor to global EOR. Gas injection can be classified into two main types; continues gas injection (CGI) and water alternating gas injection (WAG). The objective of this research is to propose initial gases injection plan of the X field to maximize the total oil recovery. The feasibility study of different gases to maintain pressure and optimize oil recovery have been examined on a simple mechanistic reservoir model of considerably depleted saturated oil reservoir. In order to maximize the total oil recovery, the simulation study was conducted on 3-phase compositional simulation model. For more optimization, a sensitivity study was conducted on the injection cycling and component ratios. A sensitivity study was also conducted on the following parameters to study their effects on the overall field’s recovery such as flow rate and bottom-hole pressure. Results obtained in this paper shows that, the WAG CO2 injection was found to be significantly more efficient than different gas injection and continues gas injection. The oil recovery depends not only on the fluid-to-fluid displacement but also on the compositional phase behavior.

    Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel

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    من المعلوم انه غالبا ما يتم مهاجمة البيانات المنقولة عبر شبكة الانترنيت ملايين المرات في اليوم الواحد. ولمعالجة هذه المشكلة، تم اقتراح طريقة آمنة تقوم بتأمين البيانات المنقولة عبر الشبكة. الطريقة المقترحة تعتمد تقنيتين لضمان النقل الآمن للرسالة المنقولة. اذ يتم تشفير الرسالة كخطوة أولى، ثم يتم إخفاؤها في غلاف فيديو معين. تقنية التشفير المقترحة هي خوارزمية تشفير انسيابية (RC4) لزيادة سرية الرسالة، وكذلك تحسين خوارزمية تضمين البتات الأقل أهمية (LSB) لتوفير مستوى أمان إضافي. يأتي تحسين طريقة الـ LSB التقليدية من خلال استبدال الاختيار المتسلسل المعتمد سابقا في طريقة الاختيار العشوائي لكل من الإطارات والبكسل من خلال استخدام مفتاحين عشوائيين سريين على التوالي. لذا، تبقى الرسالة المخفية محمية حتى إن تم اختراق الكائن المخفي(stego) لأن المهاجم سيكون غير قادر على معرفة الإطارات والبكسلات الحقيقية التي تتضمن كل جزء من أجزاء الرسالة السرية بالإضافة إلى صعوبة إعادة بناء الرسالة بشكل صحيح. النتائج المتحصلة من البحث تشير إلى أن الطريقة المقترحة توفّر أداءً جيدًا وفقا لمقاييس التقييم المعتمدة عند مقارنتها بعدد كبير من الطرق السابقة ذات الصلة بهذا النوع من الاعمال.Attacking a transferred data over a network is frequently happened millions time a day. To address this problem, a secure scheme is proposed which is securing a transferred data over a network. The proposed scheme uses two techniques to guarantee a secure transferring for a message. The message is encrypted as a first step, and then it is hided in a video cover.  The proposed encrypting technique is RC4 stream cipher algorithm in order to increase the message's confidentiality, as well as improving the least significant bit embedding algorithm (LSB) by adding an additional layer of security. The improvement of the LSB method comes by replacing the adopted sequential selection by a random selection manner of the frames and the pixels with two secret random keys. Therefore, the hidden message remains protected even if the stego-object is hacked because the attacker is unable to know the correct frames and pixels that hold each bit of the secret message in addition to difficulty to successfully rebuild the message. The results refer to that the proposed scheme provides a good performance for evaluation metric that is used in this purpose when compared to a large number of related previous methods


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    Background: The renal size of a population is a very useful diagnostic parameter in the practice of medicine. Since the renal size is affected by various factors, it is necessary to first determine the normal value. Objective:The aim of this study is to provide an estimation of renal size in normal subjects in Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, and to study its relation with age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) using ultrasonography. Therefore, this provides a standard data for our locality as we are deficient of them. Method:A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted in Sulaimani Teaching Hospital during the period of June 2013 to February 2014. 450 random volunteer person were included in the study aging between 18 - 96 years, without any known renal diseases.The total sample of the study were 450 person. 239 person (53%) were females, while 211 person (47%) were males. The mean of the right renal size in males was 76553.9947 mm3, while the mean of the left renal size was 94493.9mm3. In females, the mean of the right renal size was 68324.0292mm3, while the mean of the left renal size was 84150.43264mm3. Mean renal size for the right kidney was 72210.9842 mm3,While the mean renal size for the left kidney was 89031.0296 mm3. Results:There was a positive correlation between the size of the right and left kidney, with the left kidney size which is larger. There was also a positive correlation between renal size and age, as renal size increased with age till the 5th decade of life. While the male renal size was greater than the female renal size with the same age group, there was a positive correlation between renal size and body mass index (BMI)

    Examine the Perceived Risk of Falls Among Patients Receiving Acute Care

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    Purpose: In an effort to lower the number of falls that occur among hospitalized patients, several facilities have begun introducing various fall prevention programs. However, the efficacy of fall prevention programs is diminished if patients do not consider themselves to be at risk for falls and do not follow recommended procedures. The goal of this study was to characterize how patients in four different acute care specialist services felt about their risk of falling while in the hospital. Methods: One hundred patients admitted to the study hospital with a Morse Fall Scale score of 45 or higher were given the Patient Perception Questionnaire, a tool designed to assess a patient's perception of their own fall risk, fear of falling, and motivation to take part in fall prevention efforts. Scores on the Morse Fall Scale were gathered through a historical assessment of medical records. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and independent sample t tests were used to examine the data. Results: The average age was 65, and around half (52%) were men and half (48%) were women. Based on their ratings on the Morse Fall Scale, all 100 participants were classified as being at high risk for falls. However, only 55.5% of the individuals agreed with this assessment. The likelihood that a patient would seek assistance and the degree to which they feared falling both declined as their faith in their mobility improved. Patients hospitalized after a fall exhibited considerably lower confidence scores and greater fear scores than patients who had not been injured in a fall. Conclusions: Patients who have a high fall risk assessment score may not believe they are at risk for falls and may not take any steps to reduce their risk. The prevalence of falls in hospitals might be mitigated by the creation of a fall risk assessment technique that takes into account both objective and subjective factors

    Gender Differences in Ghrelin Association with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Arab Population

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    Ghrelin is a stomach produced hormone that has been shown to have protective role against development of CVD which is a leading cause of death in the Arab world. The objective of this study is to examine the gender difference in association between traditional CVD risk factors and plasma ghrelin among Arabs. 359 Arab residents in Kuwait participated in a cross-sectional survey (≥20 years old): 191 were females and 168 were males. Plasma level of ghrelin was assessed using Luminex-based assay. Ghrelin levels were significantly higher in females (935 ± 78 pg/mL) than males (763 ± 65 pg/mL) (P=0.0007). Females showed inverse association with WC (r=-0.23, P=0.001) and HbA1C (r=-0.19, P=0.0102) as well as SBP (r=-0.15, P=0.0383) and DBP (r=-0.16, P=0.0230), respectively. Higher levels of ghrelin were shown to associate with increased insulin resistance, as measured by HOMAIR, in male Arab subjects (P-trend = 0.0202) but not in females. In this study we show that higher ghrelin level was negatively associated with measures of obesity, HbA1C, and blood pressure in females and positively associated with increased insulin resistance in Arab males